South Derbyshire District Council
In addition to supporting funding applications over the past 5 years for development at Greenbank and Etwall Leisure Centre we have completed a number of projects for SDDC which are detailed below. A favourite project, however has to be development of the climbing wall at the Apex
Advocacy Reports
This initially included the production of two advocacy documents for partner groups. The first identified and promoted Positive Activities for Young People within the District, whilst the second was a Health Advocacy document. Both documents required us to identify the project groups and individuals to be included within the reports, meet with them to gather the information and then write the documents accordingly. Once written, we worked with a local designer to produce the reports in a suitable style for those involved. Both reports were written in different styles and formats to suit their audiences.
We have also produced the South Derbyshire Sport Strategy which included managing a number of partners including the School Sport Partnership, NHS, Local Authority, Youth Service and voluntary groups. All partners were brought together to agree outcomes and actions to provide them with strategic direction for the next five years. We have recently written their cycling action plan as part of a wider review of their physical activity and health provision.
Feasibility Reports
Four feasibility reports have been completed in recent years. This has included the development of a report into the creation of a leisure card scheme for the council and three based around facility improvements. The Leisure card scheme included an audit of current provision and neighbouring schemes and a cost benefit proposal of introducing a scheme locally.
The facility reports included one in relation to the establishment of a new dance studio at a leisure centre, one in relation to a new 3G AGP at a local leisure centre and the third in relation to a new multi sports facility in a local town. All of these reports have been used by the council to either investigate the potential for further funding to enable the project to take place or confirm that the project would not be viable.
Club Development
Working with the Club and Play Development Officer, I have supported a number of clubs and community groups to write new strategies and action plans which have enabled them to access funding. This has helped local clubs to both grow and become more sustainable within the local community.